
量子コンピュータで動的回路(Dynamic circuits)を使う

要旨:量子コンピューティングでは、量子ビットを測定してしまうとそこでお終いになる。つまり、その測定結果に応じて量子回路を変更することはできない、と思っていたが、最近それができるようになっていた。QiskitでIBM Quantumマシンを使う場合のDynamic Circuits機能がそれだ。

動的回路(Dynamic Circuits)機能



 さて、図3の量子回路がうまく働くかを、IBM Quantum実機(ibm_kyoto)で確認した結果が図4である。結論を言うと、この図から、この実機では80%の確率で量子テレポーテーションが成功した。全部で1000shotの実行のうち、図4の赤点線で囲ったカウント(合計200)は、何らかのノイズによるエラーであろう。本来はこの部分は全て0となるはずである。


 なお、IBM Quantum Composer(ただし、シミュレータによる実行)でも以下ように同様にできる。だが、古典ビットレジスタCの検査が、図3の場合と異なり、ビット毎ではなく、3ビットの10進数として扱うので、注意が必要である。if文による動的ゲートの設定が4つになっている。

(補足事項1)Quantum Labに置くfile容量に注意



[1] Classical feedforward and control flow

[2] Repeat until success

[3] @kifumi、動的回路で量子テレポーテーションを実行する
Qiita記事、最終更新日 2023年03月20日

[4] 超高密度符号化と量子テレポーテーション(その3)






Qiskit API for IBM Quantumが変更になった!

 数週間までまで正常に動いていた、Qiskitコードが、2024-03-10現在、突然エラーが出て動かなくなった。これはどうしたことか。Qiskitドキュメントを調べると、Qiskit 1.0.1になって、かなりの変更があったことが分かった。よくみると、migration guideもあるではないか。それに従って、以下のような点を修正する必要があった。

 qiskitからAer, executeなどをimportできなくなった。

IBM Quantum実機を使う場合:以下のようにして解決
 Qiskitの素晴らしい点として、シミュレータibmq_qasm_simulatorで動かしていた量子回路はそのままIBM Quantum実機でも動くことであった。シミュレータの名前を単に、実機の名前、例えばibm_brisbane等に変更するだけであった。

 しかし、こちらも、突然動かなくなったのである。実機で動かす前に、まず、無償で利用できる実機を確認した。登録ユーザの地域で異なるのだろうが、私の場合、ibm_brisbane、ibm_osaka、ibm_kyotoの3つであったが、いずれも、127量子ビットを装備した新鋭機 Eagle r3である。素晴らしい!だが、早速実行させてみると、以下のエラーが発生。しかも、"CX (CNOT) is not supported"という信じ難いエラーメッセージが!



How can I Transpile a Quantum Circuit? 1 Minute Qiskit


量子コンピューティングを学ぶためのアプリをMIT App Inventorで開発(総集編)

この記事は、MIT App Inventorで量子コンピューティングの総集編であり、こちらの英文記事の和訳です。

I would like to thank Prof. Isaac Chuang, MIT for reviewing this blog post and providing very positive feedback.

 私は、日本の神奈川工科大学の名誉教授(コンピュータサイエンス)山本富士男です。実用的な量子コンピュータはまだ完成していないが、それが実用に供されれば社会に与える影響は非常に大きいと予測されるので、企業や大学での量子コンピューティングに関する研究開発は盛んになっている。私は、量子コンピューティングの基礎を学ぶための多数のアプリを、App Inventorを用いて開発を行なってきた。その目的は、関数電卓を使うような手軽な感覚で、少数の量子ビットを使う計算を楽しむことにある。だが、それだけではない。小規模であっても、量子回路シミュレータなどのアプリを自作するならば、理解は一層深まるに違いない。そのように考えて行ってきた取り組みを紹介したい。

 一つの量子ビットだけでできることは少ないが、2量子ビットを使うと、急に様子が変わる。一般に、複数量子ビットを扱う場合には、個々の量子ビットを個別に扱うのではなく、一つのシステムとみなすことが必要となる。例えば、2量子ビットの場合、下図のように一方にHゲートを適用し、次に、両者に跨るCNOT(Controlled NOT)を適用すると、有名な量子もつれ状態(Bell状態)にすることができる。
 しかしながら、現状の量子回路シミュレータや量子コンピュータでは、AliceとBobが遠隔にいるというイメージを持つことができない。そこで、私は両者の量子ビットをそれぞれ別のモバイイルフォン割り当てることにした。これらにコントロール用の1台を加えて、3台のモバイルフォンの構成で、遠隔にある量子間のもつれを模倣し、実感できるアプリを作った。下図にそれを示す。この図のトップにある、Cloud DB(リアルタイムDB)は、量子もつれの効果を表現する上で重要な役割を果たしている。

(1) Phase kickback(制御ビットへの位相変化の戻し)
(2) Grover’s algorithm(構造化されていないデータの探索)
(3) Superdense coding(少数の量子ビットで多くの古典ビット情報を送信)
(4) Quantum Fourier Transform(to find out the frequency of coprime powers sequence)

 詳細説明は略すが、このうちの(2)のGrover’s algorithmの実行例を下図に示す。(a)では、8個の要素のうちの、探索対象をマーキングしている。(b)では、確率振幅の増幅という手法で解を求めている。
 もう一例示そう。次の図は、量子フーリエ変換QFTの利用例である。詳細説明は略すが、ここでは、ある数列(coprime powers sequence)から、その構成要素のパタンの周期、あるいは周波数を求めている。この結果は、IBM Quantumマシンでの実行結果と一致することも示している。このような周波数の検出は、Shor’s素因数分解アルゴリズムでも重要である。


(1) 量子計算モデルに基づく光子の偏光

(2) 量子もつれに基づく量子鍵配送
 量子コンピューティングの基礎に親しむためのモバイルフォンアプリとして、量子回路シミュレータや量子アルゴリズムのイラストレーションを開発してきた。これらの開発は、すべて、MIT App Inventorのみを用いて、効率的に行うことができた。App Inventorは、このように、新しい分野を学ぶためのアプリの開発に極めて有用であることを再確認できた。

In these developments, the books [1] , [2] and [3] written by three professors, Chirs Bernhardt, Barry Burd and Shigeru Nakayama, respectively, were very helpful.


[1] Chris Bernhardt: Quantum Computing for Everyone, The MIT Press, 2020.

[2] Barry Burd: Quantum Computing Algorithms -Discover how a little math goes a long way, Packt Publishing, 2023.

[3] Shigeru Nakayama(中山 茂): Quantum app Qni, Gaia Education series 52, 2022. (In Japanese)



Developing apps to learn quantum computing with App Inventor

I would like to thank Prof. Isaac Chuang, MIT for reviewing this blog post and providing very positive feedback.

Although a practical quantum computer has not yet been completed, it is predicted that if it is put into practical use it will have a huge impact on society, so research and development on quantum computing at companies and universities is increasing. I have used App Inventor to develop numerous apps for learning the basics of quantum computing. The purpose is to enjoy computations using a small number of qubits, as easily as using a scientific calculator. But that's not all. If you create your own app, such as quantum circuit simulator, even on a small scale, your understanding will definitely deepen. I would like to introduce the efforts I have made with this in mind.

First, I created an app that allows you to see what the most basic single qubit is. In other words, it is a simulator app for quantum bit operations that correspond to operations on classical bits. Next, I developed a quantum circuit simulator for quantum algorithms that use two or three qubits. In fact, I tried solving several quantum computing problems using the simulator. Finally, from a different perspective, I have also developed apps that make it easier to understand the operating principles of individual algorithms that take streams of large numbers of qubits as input. 
1. First of all, Qubit (Quantum Bit)

First, there is the fundamental quantum bit. This is significantly different from classical bits whose values are 0 and 1. A quantum bit (Qubit) is thought to lie on a spherical surface called a Bloch sphere, as shown in the figure below. The North Pole corresponds to the classical 0, and the South Pole corresponds to the classical 1. Therefore, it can be said that a quantum bit is generally in a state (superposition) in which the north and south poles are superposed with a certain probability. The value of a quantum bit is stochastically determined to be either 0 or 1 only through an operation called measurement. Until measurement, the values of 0 and 1 overlap. Various operations can be performed in this uncertain state. As a result of the operation, the state of the qubit, or its position on the Bloch sphere, changes. The necessary computations can be performed using the information accompanying the changes. In the case of multiple qubits, even the mutual interference of their information can be used effectively. First, let's look at the case of a single qubit.
How do we change the state of a qubit? The answer to this question is the app shown below. You can freely change the latitude and longitude of the qubit on the Bloch sphere using the sliders as shown in (a). However, this is usually changed using an operation called a quantum gate. For example, if you apply the Hadamard gate (H) to the state of the North Pole, it will move to the equator. In (b) of the figure below, an S gate (90° rotation on the equator) is applied after the H gate is applied. Many other quantum gates are available.
2. Two-qubit as a single system

There is little that can be done with just one qubit, but when two qubits are used, things suddenly change. In general, in the case of multiple qubits, it is necessary to consider them as a whole, rather than treating each qubit individually. For example, in the case of two qubits, by applying an H gate to one of them as shown in the figure below, and then applying a CNOT (Controlled NOT) spanning both, it is possible to create the famous quantum entangled state (Bell state).
Quantum entanglement in this case means that there is a strong correlation between Alice's and Bob's qubits. In other words, even if Alice and Bob are far apart, if Alice measures her own qubit and gets 0, Bob's qubit automatically becomes 0 immediately. Similarly, if the measurement result is 1, both will be 1. The app in the figure below shows this situation.
However, with current quantum circuit simulators and quantum computers, it is not possible to imagine Alice and Bob being far apart. Therefore, I decided to allocate both qubits to different mobile phones. With a configuration of three mobile phones (plus one more for control), I created an app that mimics entanglement between remote quanta. This is shown in the figure below. Cloud DB (real-time DB) at the top of this figure plays an important role in expressing the effects of quantum entanglement.

3. Various quantum algorithms with 3-qubit system 

As a next step, three qubits are needed to try out various basic quantum algorithms. The method described above, in which each quantum bit is assigned to a separate smartphone, will be complicated, so I will not use it here. Instead, it has been redesigned so that a single mobile phone can handle 3-qubits. The outline is shown below.
For example, using this 3-qubit simulator app, I was able to implement the following quantum algorithm.
(1) Phase kickback (returning phase change to control bits)
(2) Grover’s algorithm (exploration of unstructured data)
(3) Superdense coding (sending many classical bits of information with a small number of qubits)
(4) Quantum Fourier Transform (to find out the frequency of coprime powers sequence)

Although detailed explanation is omitted, an example of executing Grover's algorithm (2) is shown in the figure below. In (a), the search target among the eight elements is marked. In (b), the solution is found using a method called probability amplitude amplification.
The following figure shows an example of the use of quantum Fourier transform QFT in (4). Although detailed explanation is omitted, here, the period (or frequency) of the pattern of the constituent elements is detected from a certain number sequence. The results also show that they are consistent with those run on an IBM Quantum machine. Detection of such frequencies is also important in Shor's prime factorization algorithm.

4. Algorithms that take a long stream of qubits as input

Up to this point, we have used a general-purpose quantum circuit simulator, but next I will show apps to explain the operation of individual quantum algorithms. For example, there are several algorithms that take as input a long stream of qubits. Here, I will discuss quantum computational models of photon polarization and quantum key distribution using quantum entanglement.

(1) Photon polarization based on quantum computational model

Qubit is expressed by the spin of an electron or the polarization of a photon. Here, we will deal with the latter. Now, stack the three polarizing plates with various axis angles. The problem is how bright the object is when viewed in that state. What is needed in this case is calculation of the probability that a large number of incident photons will pass through each polarizing plate. In the app I created, the probability of passing these things was reflected in the transparency of the color of the polarizing plate. This imitated the actual appearance. The situation is shown in the figure below.
(2) Quantum key distribution based on quantum entanglement

The following app is an illustration of the quantum key distribution protocol Ekert. With this protocol, it is possible to reliably determine whether information between two parties has been intercepted by a third party. To prepare, we prepare a sufficiently long stream of entangled pairs of qubits. Alice receives one of each qubit pair, and Bob receives the other. For each pair, they independently select one of the three bases at random and perform measurements. After completing the reception of all streams, both parties will obtain a classical bit sequence (measurement result) and a selection basis sequence, respectively.

Obviously, the two bases do not match with probability 2/3. Bell's test shows that in an entangled state, results measured using different bases will agree with a probability of 1/4. However, this is the case where there is no eavesdropping by a third party.

On the other hand, suppose that a third party, Eve, eavesdrops on the quantum before Alice and Bob measure it. Eavesdropping always requires measurements on a suitable basis. As a result, the probability of coincidence of the measurement results increases to 3/8 due to the disappearance of the entangled state of the quantum pair of Alice and Bob. This allows wiretapping to be detected. The figure below shows an application that simulates this. It can be seen that the execution results match the theoretical values.
I have developed quantum circuit simulators and other mobile phone applications for learning the basics of quantum computing. All of these developments were done efficiently using only MIT App Inventor. I was able to reaffirm that App Inventor is extremely useful for developing apps for learning new fields like this.
If you need more details about the content omitted in this article, please refer to the blog articles below. A list of approximately 90 related articles is posted here:

In these developments, the books [1] , [2] and [3] written by three professors, Chirs Bernhardt, Barry Burd and Shigeru Nakayama, respectively, were very helpful.


[1] Chris Bernhardt: Quantum Computing for Everyone, The MIT Press, 2020.

[2] Barry Burd: Quantum Computing Algorithms -Discover how a little math goes a long way, Packt Publishing, 2023.

[3] Shigeru Nakayama: Quantum app Qni, Gaia Education series 52, 2022. (In Japanese)


A List of my blog articles on Quantum Computing

 量子コンピューティングに関する私の記事の一覧です。約 120件あります。

Here is a list of my articles on quantum computing. There are about 120 titles in Japanese and English. English article titles have a or at the beginning.
➡️Video : single-qubit
➡️Video : n-qubit



Limited release: My mobile quantum circuit simulator

I have developed several types of original quantum circuit simulators as mobile applications. Eventually, I decided to make two of them available to the public, albeit in beta version. All of these were efficiently developed using MIT App Inventor. In these developments, the books [1] , [2] and [3] written by three professors, Chirs Bernhardt, Barry Burd and Shigeru Nakayama, respectively, were very helpful.

If you are interested in these apps and would like to try them out, please contact me. I will provide you built files (.apk format) for Android phones. Below is a very simple document to help you use it.

Japanese summary "限定公開:私のモバイル量子回路シミュレータ"
私は、これまでに数種類の独自の量子回路シミュレータを、モバイルアプリとして開発してきた。そのうちに2つを、まだベータ版ではあるが、限定公開することにした。これらは、すべてMIT App Inventorによって、効率的に開発されました。これらの開発では、3人の教授Chirs BernhardtとBarry Burdと中山茂がそれぞれ執筆された著書[1]と[2]と[3]が非常に参考になりました。これらのアプリにご興味を持ち、試用してみたいという方がおられたら、私にご連絡ください。Android phone用のビルトファイル(.apk形式)をご提供します。それをご使用いただくために、以下に極簡単なドキュメントを示します。)

Two types of mobile quantum circuit simulator
    Q1_beta1: for a single-qubit
    Q3_beta2: for 3-qubit system

------- Q1_beta1 app ----
Q1_beta1 app - Setting quantum state using sliders

Applying quantum gates

------- Q3_beta2 app ----
Overview of the Q3_beta2 app

Phase Kickback

Grover’s Algorithm

Superdense Coding

Finding the frequency of coprime powers sequence(1)

Finding the frequency of coprime powers sequence(2)

[1] Chris Bernhardt: Quantum Computing for Everyone, The MIT Press, 2020.

[2] Barry Burd: Quantum Computing Algorithms -Discover how a little math goes a long way, Packt Publishing, 2023.

[3] Shigeru Nakayama(中山 茂): Quantum app Qni, Gaia Education series 52, 2022. (In Japanese)