
Final version of my single-qubit apps

I recently completed the final versions of two apps for single-qubit manipulation!

These apps were developed in a short period of time using MIT App Inventor. Although many existing blocks could be used effectively, some ingenuity was required to represent the qubit states on the Bloch sphere. The problem was to project 3D coordinate data (x, y, z) onto a 2-dimensional plane, and I was able to solve this problem by using the isometric projection method.

(1) Displaying the results of successive application of quantum gates
Five types of quantum gates (Z, X, Y, H, T) can be used. The figure below (b) shows the result of successively applying H, T, and H to the quantum bit |0>. The final qubit state is shown as a big red dot on the Bloch sphere on the left. Small disks are also shown to the right. The area of the filled disk indicates the probability of each basis (|0>, |1>). A straight line coming out from the center of the circle indicates the phase. At the bottom of the Bloch sphere, some numerical values indicating quantum states are also shown.

(2) Conversion to make the phase of α 0 in qubit α|0>+β|1>
In order to represent a quantum bit on a Bloch sphere, the phase of α needs to be 0, and the phase of β needs to be the relative phase (φ) to it. The app shown below achieves this functionality. This is also a transformation that makes the imaginary part of the complex number α 0. Figure (b) below confirms that this conversion function is working correctly.

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