
Enjoy Shor's Prime Factorization with a Mobilephone App

This is the English translation of this article.
To fully execute the well-known Shor's Factoring Algorithm, a large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computer is required, and with current quantum computers, this is unlikely to happen. However, when an ideal quantum computer appears, it is believed that this algorithm will have a huge impact on cybersecurity. Here, we created an app to apply Shor's algorithm to small integers (products of two prime numbers). This will allow you to become familiar with Shor's algorithm and deepen your understanding.

🔴 Overview of Shor's Factoring
There are many explanations of Shor's algorithm, but I was drawn to the YouTube video by Elucyda shown in Fig. 1. It takes about 25 minutes, and he explains it clearly and step by step, using only a whiteboard and clearly handwritten. This is great!

Shor's algorithm is said to be difficult to understand, but the outline is on this one page (8 lines). It involves prime factorizing an integer N, which is the product of two prime numbers. If N is small, it is not difficult to create an original program on a classical computer by following the steps in this diagram. However, you should pay attention to the part surrounded by a red frame in Fig. 1, "Find MIN r>0 such that ar=1 mod N". This finds the smallest integer r (order) such that ar = 1 mod N when you bring in another integer a for the integer N you want to factorize. This is nothing more than finding the minimum period of the repeating wave of the value of ar mod N.

For very large N, this order-finding is the core of Shor's algorithm, and this is where quantum computers come into play. (This article is only beginner level. Without a complete understanding of quantum algorithms for order finding, it cannot be called intermediate level or above. I would like to write about this in another article.) Since we are assuming a small N this time, we have realized the entire processing of Fig. 1 as a mobilephoe app. This will help you become familiar with Shor's algorithm, and will also serve as a preparation for creating quantum programs later.

🔴 Creating a mobile phone app
Originally, the search for the above order r would be performed as a quantum algorithm, but since we are creating a mobile phone app here, this part is also a primitive (naive) program that runs on a classical computer. Fig. 2 shows the order calculation function created with MIT App Inventor. It should be noted that there is a risk of overflow when calculating ar, especially when the value of r becomes large. Therefore, in order to prevent this to a certain extent, we do not calculate ar mod N directly, but instead use repeated calculations using a small r.

🔴 Review of execution results
Let's start by trying to prime factorize a small integer, for example N=247, with this app. (N is given as the product of two prime numbers p=19 and q=13.) Figure 3 shows two successful examples. In Figure (a), the integer a randomly set in Figure 1 happened to be GCD(q, a)>1, so factorization was completed immediately. This corresponds to Case 1 in Figure 1. On the other hand, Figure (b) corresponds to Case 2 in Figure 1, and factorization was successful as expected.
Figure 4 shows different cases of failure. In Figure 4(a), the order r for a random integer a could not be found within the preset range. Furthermore, in Figure 4(b), the random integer a and the order r were set successfully, but prime factorization failed. This corresponds to Case 3 in Figure 1. Shor's algorithm thus succeeds probabilistically (by heuristics). However, it is known that the success rate is quite high.
🔴Why can this algorithm be used for prime factorization?
This article focuses on how Shor's algorithm works, not on why it can be used for factorization. However, I would like to briefly explain the key points of why below. One of them, which may be surprising, is the following formula (junior high school math!):
      a2 - 1 = (a + 1)(a - 1)
Using this, ar-1 = 0 mod N in the explanation of Fig. 1 becomes (ar/2 + 1)(ar/2 - 1) = 0 mod N. In other words, the left side of = is divisible by N. Therefore, one of the prime numbers that make up N divides one of the factors on the left side. From this, GCD(N, ar/2 + 1) and GCD(N, ar/2 -1) should be prime factors of N. When we calculate the case of Fig.3(b) (a = 30, r = 6), we see that this is indeed the case, as shown below:
     GCD(306/2+1, 247) = GCD(27001, 247) = 13
     GCD(306/2 -1, 247) = GCD(26999, 247) = 19

Incidentally, the algorithm for finding the underlying order r turns out to be roughly equivalent to the (precise) quantum phase estimation already described here and here, which makes Shor's algorithm more familiar.

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