
Running quantum Fourier transform on my mobile simulator

I have developed a 3-qubit quantum circuit simulator that runs on a mobile phone. As shown in the top row of Fig. 1, a large number of basic quantum gates can be used. This time, I was able to demonstrate quantum Fourier transform (QFT) and inverse quantum Fourier transform (IQFT) using these quantum gates. QFT and IQFT each consist of six quantum gates, which are registered to buttons.

In Fig1.(a), when the button QFT is pressed for the quantum bit state |101>, a wave with the phase shown at the bottom is generated. Next, in Fig2.(b), the original qubit state could be restored by pressing the button IQFT. This means that we were able to determine the periodicity of the waves, as shown in Fig.2.

As mentioned above, QFT and IQFT were constructed by combining individual quantum gates, but alternatively, a unitary matrix can be used as shown in Fig. 3. I won't go into details, but these unitary matrices are actually built into my simulator. Note that when using this method, it was necessary to perform swap processing according to the simulator's policy. Swap means reversing the direction in which three qubits are arranged.

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